Label Accueil vélo

The label Accueil vélo is developed by the Regional Tourism Committee Centre-Val de Loire and the association France Vélo Tourisme with the aim of integrating the practice of cycling in the habits of French people and tourists in France.
Located less than 5 kilometers from a marked bicycle route (La Véloscénie), our tourist office has been labeled Accueil Vélo since summer 2018.
Our objective is to encourage the use of two-wheelers on our territory.
We are therefore committed to offering a welcome and quality services adapted to cyclotourists, according to specific criteria:
- Provision of the Véloscénie cycle route and the map of the cycle paths of Versailles Grand Parc in our information point and on our website.
- Provision of tourist brochures.
- Practical information (map, emergency numbers…).
- Information on weather conditions.
- Bicycle parking near our tourist office.
- Accessible drinking water and sanitary facilities.
- Repair kit for small damages and electrical outlets for recharging batteries.
Do you know why the bicycle is nicknamed “The little queen”?
In 1890 in the Netherlands, Queen Wilhemine, barely 10 years old, reigned over the country. A few years later, the French media visiting the Netherlands were surprised by this little queen who used the bicycle as a mode of transport to get around her kingdom. The expression “the little queen” was thus used in many newspapers and then, as time went by, was definitively associated with the bicycle in the minds of the French.